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What's behind rising food prices

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What's behind rising food prices March 28, 2011


What's behind rising food prices


By Ralph Surette


The NDP government (of Nova Scotia) has blocked a move to develop

lands designated as agricultural in King's County. The reasons given

were in the technical language of zoning regulations. But this is no

mere local question.


Rising food prices and increasing trouble in the whole vast reality

to which food is central is now one of the world's biggest problems

-- a "silent tsunami" as The Economist magazine called it -- a part

of the larger issue of climate change and resource depletion.


Food prices are at their highest levels ever and poised to rise

higher (eight per cent in Canada, for now). This news was working its

way to prominence a few weeks ago when other events washed over it --

upheavals in the Middle East (of which food prices are a cause),

catastrophe in Japan (of which a compromised food supply is a

consequence), and election uproar in Canada (where this should be an

issue, but isn't).


There's both a downside and an upside to this. The downside blew open

in 2008 when there were food riots in many countries because of

rising prices.


Because of the recession and a good grain harvest, things stabilized

in 2009. But last year trouble resumed, mainly because of droughts

and floods, as the world consumed 60 million tons of grain more than

the 2,180 million it produced, drawing down stocks. This year,

according to some estimates, we'll need as much as 150 million tons

more just to return to stability.


That much extra production has happened in a few fluke years over the

past decades, but it won't this year. Although corn and rice are

expected to increase somewhat, the main wheat crop is winter wheat --

planted last fall for this year -- and that's already compromised by

drought in the main breadbaskets of Russia, China and the Southwest



Increasing climate mayhem, irrigation running dry in some countries

(the World Bank says 175 million people in India are being fed with

grain grown by over pumping aquifers), erosion and desertification in

some others, corn being used for fuel, yields-per-acre having

levelled off in the advanced countries, phosphorus for fertilizer

getting scarce, 80 million more mouths to feed every year and a

couple of billion more in Asia moving up to the Western-style banquet

table: all this doesn't add up.


Further, international corporations are scouring the Earth for

farmland, especially in poorer countries, an indication of its rising



And, of course, higher prices mean primarily more malnutrition and

starvation in the poorest countries, and to some degree among the

poorest in our own societies. But there's better news, too. Even in

many of the poorest countries there's a turn away from dependency on

the grains which are basically the artificial staple of the

globalized economy. In sub-Saharan Africa, for example, it's being

reported that people are returning to native cassava and sorghum as

internationally traded grains rise out of sight.


The UN's office that watches such things notes 57 poorer nations

where "innovative nonchemical techniques" of food production are

kicking in. New life has even been observed in those still-existing

collective farms in Russia, a relic of Soviet era non- production.


Rice-eating countries are doing better than wheat- and corn-eating

ones, because rice is more of a local grain as opposed to the

industrial nature of the others.


Some places, like the Philippines, have never given up their food

sovereignty and are now largely immune to these jolts, assuming their

climate doesn't give way. Meanwhile, on the flip side of the coin,

farmers do better -- nowhere more than in Canada -- when prices rise.


In the First World, the message with grain is the same as with oil --

we're using too much of it, partly in the form of junk foods, but

mainly in the form of grain-fed meat. Reducing our consumption of

meats would not only result in better health -- we're in a rising

epidemic of obesity, heart disease and diabetes, remember -- but

would also improve the environment, since livestock is a major

contributor to global warming.


Eating less of that stuff brings us back home. Here, the substitute

for too much meat and junk food is more vegetables and fruits, most

of which can be grown locally. That's why protecting land is

imperative -- although some form of land trust should be set up so

individual farmers who can't sell when they want to don't end up on

the hook alone.


And with veggies, and some fruits, you can do it yourself in many

cases. I'm sticking my first seeds in the ground next week, under

plastic, as I always do at this time -- radishes, leaf lettuce and

spinach, stuff that doesn't mind freezing. Meanwhile, last year's

parsnips are still in the ground. It goes on year-round.


It's a beautiful connection with Mother Earth. How did we get so far

away from it?



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