Who is Veganwolf...NOTES FROM THE AUTHOR:
My idea for this website was originally to hold and share my recipes. I feel that by showing others how easy it is to serve vegan food, more people might be willing to try it, whether for moral reasons, health reasons, or just because it tastes good!
I am also always amazed at how the general public still has such archaic ideas when it comes to not eating meat..... what do you eat then? How do you get enough protein? etc....
Being a vegan is a complete way of life, as in breathing, which is so obvious to those of us who live it. It is not a choice. It is how it is supposed to be. Period.
A vegan will not use any animal product what so ever,including items like leather, gel capsules, they only use cruelty free toiletries etc... I do not use makeup, and I live very modestly, so I personally do not have any desire to research those items, yet know there is a lot of information pertaining to those on line to those who want it.
We are all raised believing certain things, and when someone contradicts those beliefs, most people automatically put up a wall, thinking they are being attacked, when in fact they are not, they are just being shown that there are other ways of living in this world, and that the one you were taught, through family, school, the media, etc... might not be the best way.... , and I ask you to, at least, go through these pages and life with an open mind. Never close yourself off from learning!
I have always had a passion for all animals, yet wolves had always stood out and been my favorite.
I have seen a lot of amazing places, and animals, over the years, so decided to add some pictures here too, to share.
What you eat has an impact on the whole world, not just the ones you eat!
Land is stripped to grow food for cattle.
More oil is needed for animal farms than plants
etc etc... and you know what happens when there is an oil spill, or when land is removed for wild animals.
I am in my 60s and have been a vegetarian Since college. I became completely VEGAN in 2003. I studied nutrition, public health, restaurant management, among other things in College and still keep up with all the most recent findings in the field of nutrition.
I've worked in a few restaurants over the years and even as the head chef, for eight years, on a tour boat converting recipes to vegetarian to unsuspecting meat eaters, with only praise as the result.
I love food, I love eating, and I love cooking. Knowing how to eat right comes naturally for me, as does converting foods. Flavor does not have to be sacrificed nor does variety when cooking vegan. One usually ends up with a healthier meal when serving vegan over a non vegan meal, but one can make things such as corn dogs, brownies, and even greasy donuts and other typical unhealthy or fast food if they have that desire.
Thanks for stopping by. Feel free to contact me with questions, comments or even a recipe you would like some help in converting.
Be conscious in your every day living. Every thing we do, and buy, has an impact on the planet. Find your conscience. Do your best every day to not cause pain and to make this place a better one.
Live lightly, so others may live....
"The important thing is not to stop questioning. "
Dwight D. Eisenhower President of the United States
"If you don't like my opinions leave. But just remember, the animals can't leave the cages that hold them. They are captive and suffering. As you cozy into your bed tonight, try to imagine the pain and the suffering that they endure day after day and night after night. Next time you get some soap in your eyes, try to imagine that pain for 3 or 4 days at a time. Next time you have a stomach ache, try to imagine liquid plumber being poured down your throat till you puke so much blood that you bleed to death. Next time you bump your head, try to imagine being a monkey and getting a steel plate smashed into your skull at 50 miles per hour. Then, only then should you feel compelled to tell me that I'm wrong about my opinions. For all these things have happened in the name of science. They continue in abundance till this day. "
Ricki Rockett
Have a great day!
More sites and businesses I am involved in are below...

Save An Animal non profit organization

Please help Save An Animal.

Animal friendly/ECO friendly Car rental on Maui

Vegan run earth friendly business : Unique Toilet Seat Lid Covers, made from repurposed material.

More information on using TOFU

Living Green on Maui

The original ECO rental Car

Awesome spice racks (My brother created them!) vw