Will we stop climate catastrophe or play political games to our
Foreign Policy January 5, 2009
Again: Climate Change
Act now, we're told, if we want to save the planet
from a climate catastrophe. Trouble is, it might be too late. The science is
settled, and the damage has already begun. The only question now is
whether we will stop playing political games and embrace the few
imperfect options we have left.
by Bill McKibben
Are Divided"
No, they're not. In the early years of the global warming
debate, there was great controversy over whether the planet was warming,
whether humans were the cause, and whether it would be a significant
problem. That debate is long since over. Although the details of future
forecasts remain unclear, there's no serious question about the general
shape of what's to come.
Every national academy of science, long lists of
Nobel laureates, and in recent years even the science advisors of President
George W. Bush have agreed that we are heating the planet. Indeed, there is
a more thorough scientific process here than on almost any other issue: Two
decades ago, the United Nations formed the Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change (IPCC) and charged its scientists with synthesizing the
peer-reviewed science and developing broad-based conclusions. The reports
have found since 1995 that warming is dangerous and caused by humans. The
panel's most recent report, in November 2007, found it is "very likely"
(defined as more than 90 percent certain, or about as certain as science
gets) that heat-trapping emissions from human activities have caused "most
of the observed increase in global average temperatures since the mid-20th
If anything, many scientists now think that the IPCC has been
too conservative-both because member countries must sign off on the
conclusions and because there's a time lag. Its last report synthesized
data from the early part of the decade, not the latest scary results, such
as what we're now seeing in the Arctic.
In the summer of 2007, ice in the
Arctic Ocean melted. It melts a little every summer, of course, but this
time was different-by late September, there was 25 percent less ice than
ever measured before. And it wasn't a one-time accident. By the end of the
summer season in 2008, so much ice had melted that both the Northwest and
Northeast passages were open. In other words, you could circumnavigate the
Arctic on open water. The computer models, which are just a few years
old, said this shouldn't have happened until sometime late in the 21st
century. Even skeptics can't dispute such alarming events.
"We Have
Wrong. Time might be the toughest part of the equation. That
melting Arctic ice is unsettling not only because it proves the planet is
warming rapidly, but also because it will help speed up the warming.
That old white ice reflected 80 percent of incoming solar radiation back
to space; the new blue water left behind absorbs 80 percent of that
sunshine. The process amps up. And there are many other such feedback loops.
Another occurs as northern permafrost thaws. Huge amounts of methane long
trapped below the ice begin to escape into the atmosphere; methane is an
even more potent greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide.
Such examples
are the biggest reason why many experts are now fast-forwarding their
estimates of how quickly we must shift away from fossil fuel. Indian
economist Rajendra Pachauri, who accepted the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize
alongside Al Gore on behalf of the IPCC, said recently that we must begin to
make fundamental reforms by 2012 or watch the climate system spin out of
control; NASA scientist James Hansen, who was the first to blow the whistle
on climate change in the late 1980s, has said that we must stop burning coal
by 2030. Period.
All of which makes the Copenhagen climate change
talks that are set to take place in December 2009 more urgent than they
appeared a few years ago. At issue is a seemingly small number: the level of
carbon dioxide in the air. Hansen argues that 350 parts per million is the
highest level we can maintain "if humanity wishes to preserve a planet
similar to that on which civilization developed and to which life on Earth
is adapted." But because we're already past that mark-the air outside is
currently about 387 parts per million and growing by about 2 parts
annually-global warming suddenly feels less like a huge problem, and more
like an Oh-My-God Emergency.
"Climate Change Will Help as Many Places as
It Hurts"
Wishful thinking. For a long time, the winners-and-losers
calculus was pretty standard: Though climate change will cause some parts of
the planet to flood or shrivel up, other frigid, rainy regions would at
least get some warmer days every year. Or so the thinking went. But more
recently, models have begun to show that after a certain point almost
everyone on the planet will suffer. Crops might be easier to grow in some
places for a few decades as the danger of frost recedes, but over time the
threat of heat stress and drought will almost certainly be
A 2003 report commissioned by the Pentagon forecasts the
possibility of violent storms across Europe, megadroughts across the
Southwest United States and Mexico, and unpredictable monsoons causing food
shortages in China. "Envision Pakistan, India, and China-all armed with
nuclear weapons-skirmishing at their borders over refugees, access to shared
rivers, and arable land," the report warned. Or Spain and Portugal "fighting
over fishing rights-leading to conflicts at sea."
Of course, there
are a few places we used to think of as possible winners-mostly the far
north, where Canada and Russia could theoretically produce more grain with
longer growing seasons, or perhaps explore for oil beneath the newly melted
Arctic ice cap. But even those places will have to deal with expensive
consequences-a real military race across the high Arctic, for
Want more bad news? Here's how that Pentagon report's scenario
played out: As the planet's carrying capacity shrinks, an ancient pattern of
desperate, all-out wars over food, water, and energy supplies would
reemerge. The report refers to the work of Harvard archaeologist Steven
LeBlanc, who notes that wars over resources were the norm until about three
centuries ago. When such conflicts broke out, 25 percent of a population's
adult males usually died. As abrupt climate change hits home, warfare may
again come to define human life. Set against that bleak backdrop, the
potential upside of a few longer growing seasons in Vladivostok doesn't seem
like an even trade.
"It's China's Fault"
Not so much. China is an
easy target to blame for the climate crisis. In the midst of its industrial
revolution, China has overtaken the United States as the world's biggest
carbon dioxide producer. And everyone has read about the one-a-week pace of
power plant construction there. But those numbers are misleading, and not
just because a lot of that carbon dioxide was emitted to build products
for the West to consume. Rather, it's because China has four times the
population of the United States, and per capita is really the only way to
think about these emissions. And by that standard, each Chinese person now
emits just over a quarter of the carbon dioxide that each American does. Not
only that, but carbon dioxide lives in the atmosphere for more than a
century. China has been at it in a big way less than 20 years, so it will be
many, many years before the Chinese are as responsible for global warming as
What's more, unlike many of their counterparts in the United
States, Chinese officials have begun a concerted effort to reduce emissions
in the midst of their country's staggering growth. China now leads the
world in the deployment of renewable energy, and there's barely a car made
in the United States that can meet China's much tougher fuel-economy
For its part, the United States must develop a plan to cut
emissions-something that has eluded Americans for the entire two-decade
history of the problem. Although the U.S. Senate voted down the last such
attempt, Barack Obama has promised that it will be a priority in his
administration. He favors some variation of a "cap and trade" plan that
would limit the total amount of carbon dioxide the United States could
release, thus putting a price on what has until now been
Despite the rapid industrialization of countries such as China and
India, and the careless neglect of rich ones such as the United States,
climate change is neither any one country's fault, nor any one country's
responsibility. It will require sacrifice from everyone. Just as the Chinese
might have to use somewhat more expensive power to protect the global
environment, Americans will have to pay some of the difference in price,
even if just in technology. Call it a Marshall Plan for the environment.
Such a plan makes eminent moral and practical sense and could probably be
structured so as to bolster emerging green energy industries in the
West. But asking Americans to pay to put up windmills in China will be a
hard political sell in a country that already thinks China is prospering at
its expense. It could be the biggest test of the country's political
maturity in many years.
"Climate Change Is an Environmental
Not really. Environmentalists were the first to sound the alarm.
But carbon dioxide is not like traditional pollution. There's no Clean
Air Act that can solve it. We must make a fundamental transformation in
the most important part of our economies, shifting away from fossil fuels
and on to something else. That means, for the United States, it's at least
as much a problem for the Commerce and Treasury departments as it is for the
Environmental Protection Agency.
And because every country on Earth will
have to coordinate, it's far and away the biggest foreign-policy issue we
face. (You were thinking terrorism? It's hard to figure out a scenario in
which Osama bin Laden destroys Western civilization. It's easy to figure out
how it happens with a rising sea level and a wrecked hydrological
Expecting the environmental movement to lead this fight is like
asking the USDA to wage the war in Iraq. It's not equipped for this kind
of battle. It may be ready to save Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge,
which is a noble undertaking but on a far smaller scale. Unless climate
change is quickly de-ghettoized, the chances of making a real difference are
"Solving It Will Be Painful"
It depends. What's your
definition of painful? On the one hand, you're talking about transforming
the backbone of the world's industrial and consumer system. That's certainly
expensive. On the other hand, say you manage to convert a lot of it to solar
or wind power-think of the money you'd save on fuel.
And then there's
the growing realization that we don't have many other possible sources for
the economic growth we'll need to pull ourselves out of our current economic
crisis. Luckily, green energy should be bigger than IT and biotech
Almost from the moment scientists began studying the problem of
climate change, people have been trying to estimate the costs of solving
it. The real answer, though, is that it's such a huge transformation that no
one really knows for sure. The bottom line is, the growth rate in energy use
worldwide could be cut in half during the next 15 years and the steps would,
net, save more money than they cost. The IPCC included a cost estimate in
its latest five-year update on climate change and looked a little further
into the future. It found that an attempt to keep carbon levels below about
500 parts per million would shave a little bit off the world's economic
growth-but only a little. As in, the world would have to wait until
Thanksgiving 2030 to be as rich as it would have been on January 1 of
that year. And in return, it would have a much-transformed energy
Unfortunately though, those estimates are probably too
optimistic. For one thing, in the years since they were published, the
science has grown darker. Deeper and quicker cuts now seem
But so far we've just been counting the costs of fixing the
system. What about the cost of doing nothing? Nicholas Stern, a renowned
economist commissioned by the British government to study the question,
concluded that the costs of climate change could eventually reach the
combined costs of both world wars and the Great Depression. In 2003, Swiss
Re, the world's biggest reinsurance company, and Harvard Medical School
explained why global warming would be so expensive. It's not just the
infrastructure, such as sea walls against rising oceans, for example. It's
also that the increased costs of natural disasters begin to compound. The
diminishing time between monster storms in places such as the U.S. Gulf
Coast could eventually mean that parts of "developed countries would
experience developing nation conditions for prolonged periods." Quite
simply, we've already done too much damage and waited too long to have any
easy options left.
"We Can Reverse Climate Change"
If only.
Solving this crisis is no longer an option. Human beings have already raised
the temperature of the planet about a degree Fahrenheit. When people first
began to focus on global warming (which is, remember, only 20 years ago),
the general consensus was that at this point we'd just be standing on the
threshold of realizing its consequences-that the big changes would be a
degree or two and hence several decades down the road. But scientists seem
to have systematically underestimated just how delicate the balance of the
planet's physical systems really is.
The warming is happening faster
than we expected, and the results are more widespread and more disturbing.
Even that rise of 1 degree has seriously perturbed hydrological cycles:
Because warm air holds more water vapor than cold air does, both droughts
and floods are increasing dramatically. Just look at the record levels of
insurance payouts, for instance. Mosquitoes, able to survive in new places,
are spreading more malaria and dengue. Coral reefs are dying, and so are
vast stretches of forest.
None of that is going to stop, even if we
do everything right from here on out. Given the time lag between when we
emit carbon and when the air heats up, we're already guaranteed at least
another degree of warming.
The only question now is whether we're
going to hold off catastrophe. It won't be easy, because the scientific
consensus calls for roughly 5 degrees more warming this century unless we do
just about everything right. And if our behavior up until now is any
indication, we won't.
- Bill McKibben is the author of many
books, including his latest: Deep Economy: The Wealth of Communities and the
Durable Future. McKibben is a scholar in residence at Middlebury College,
and co-founder of <>