Food decorating, edible garnishes, plate art

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Vegan Food decorating, edible garnishes, plate art

Sprig of parsley picture tomato soup and garnish picture

Quick and easy decorating ideas

  • Apple rings
  • Bean sprouts
  • Bread sticks
  • Broccoli/cauliflower flowerettes
  • Capers
  • Carrot curls or sticks (Thin sticks or use a peeler for thin curls) place in a bowl of ice water an hour or so)
  • Carrot Shreds or other vegi grated...
  • celery curls "
  • Chives/onions: whole or chopped
  • Cocoa
  • Cooked: Whole pearl onions
  • Corn
  • Croutons

crouton garnish picture

  • Crumbled Firm Tofu
  • Cucumber, slices, thin sticks, (Partially peel outside) (Flower cut the outside)
  • Daikon Radish
  • Edible Flowers
  • Violets, Nasturtiums, Roses, Marigolds, Squash blossoms, Lavender
  • Fennel tops
  • Fried Garlic
  • Fried rice noodles or chow mein noodles
  • Fried onion rings
  • Grapefruit
  • Jicama: shred
  • Lemon: rind, curls, zest, slices, wedges
  • Mushrooms
  • Nuts
  • Olives, whole or slices, black or green

orange slice picture

  • Oranges - thin slices, thin slice then twisted, wedges...
  • Pea pods
  • Peas
  • Peapods mixed with peas.
  • Peppers red, green, yellow
  • Pickles
  • Pie crust cutouts, or cracker
  • Pimento
  • Pipe mashed potatoes with a pastry tube.
  • Pomegranate seeds (can freeze)
  • Popcorn
  • Purple cabbage: shredded
  • Radishes: Whole or slices, or like flowers
  • Red pepper flakes
  • Seeds

pumpkin soup with pumpkin seed garnish picture

  • Soy Sauce
  • Spaghetti squash
  • Spinach or kale... raw or cooked
  • Stuff a cucumber slice with black olive or ?
  • Super thin cucumber slices, the long way: Twist and roll
  • Super thin zucchini slices
  • Toasted pine nuts
  • Tomato: Slices, wedges, whole cherry,..
  • Tortilla cutouts
  • Whole fresh Herbs: Rosemary, parsley, basil, chives, cilantro...

herb garnish picture

Paint with food, Fan things out...

Citrusy sauce? use lemon slices...

Oriental Asian meal? Dot plate with soy sauce drops...

Simple curls

Slice long and thin, pieces of onion, celery, carrots, almost any vegetable, and soak in ice water a couple hours.

Or go really fancy

Onion Flower

Remove skin. Cut ¾ way through top to bottom, root end on the bottom, hold under running hot water, and spread a little. Set the root end in red/yellow colored water, soak a couple hours. Drain.

Beet juice is a great all natural food color

A Purple onion works well

You can even roast these in the oven

Other Homemade vegetable flower options:

Slice long ways, almost to the end. Cut away excess. Place in ice water. Add contrasting colors

radish flower garnish picture

  • Radish
  • Eggplant
  • Beets.
  • White bulb of a green onion
  • Zucchini
  • Carrots
  • Purple cabbage
  • Red Pepper
  • Parsnip
  • Yellow squash

or slice a long very thin piece, or use whole leaves... and roll up like a rose. Secure with a tooth pick then put into ice water

tomato rose garnish picture

Weave strips together... Carrots, zucchini...

What's in season? What do you have on hand?

Grate it, shape it... Vary textures... Smooth, chunky, flat, round, crispy,... Make it 3D, Stand it up. Create layers, Sauce underneath, Slice it sideways. Create a focal point like a star/sun shape Or frame it...

Red with white, Holiday colors, Contrast colors, light and dark...

Smooth creamy dish like mashed potatoes... top with a few crispy fried onions...

Lighten with soy cream ? or darken with soy sauce?

1/2 of any two sauces and plate it side by side, swirl slightly.

2 tone soup picture

Place sliced mushrooms and herb branches on bottom and sides of mold that will be inverted before adding quiche like ingredients...

Green beans with a white sauce down the middle and black olives on top...

Tie asparagus together with a long peel of cooked carrot

Stick a sprig of Rosemary into a small roasted potato

Oiled Oranges

Slice oranges thin, Top with thinly sliced green onion, Drizzle with a little olive oil, then freshly ground course pepper

Bake items in individual dishes

Stack a bunch of leaves together, like basil, roll up and slice with a kitchen shears to make long even strips.

garnish shreds picture

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drizzle food art picture

You can give people the WOW factor, if you want. But usually it should be simple, not too distracting.

carrot soup

Be creative, but make sure it is obviously edible, or obviously not, if it isnt... People should know what they are supposed to be eating... The garnish should compliment the dish NOT take over the flavor.

Don't always mix things together.

Serve one in the middle and ring it with the other...

Or cover the plate with the sauce and place the item on top.

soy cream garnish picture

Soy cream, white or colored

Roasted red/green pepper/or carrot, peas... blender into soy sour cream or vegan yogurt. Put into squeeze bottle and decorate... Fancy or just a few drops, or zig zag... Dollap soy cream on something warm, let it sit a moment, then run a fork across it... or marbleize, one direction then the other.

Herb Infused Oils

soup garnish picture

Mustard, or any sauce... Dot, splatter, or Paint a line across the plate.

Ditto for Pesto, balsamic vinegar reduction...

Olive oil on plate and sprinkle balsamic vinegar over.

Homemade Potato chips: cookie cutter shapes, or shreds... Sweet potato, Purple potato,

Asparagus paprika garnish picture

Quick Color:

  • Nutritional yeast
  • Mild Paprika
  • Dried Parsley
  • Course ground pepper

Walk through the vegetable section in a grocery store... What looks fun? has interesting leaves, colors?...

kale garnish picture

Stuff a pepper, An onion, a bread bowl

Serve it on a spoon, in a wine glass Wrap in a steamed swiss chard leaf or raw lettuce leaf.

Shape rice or other by scooping with an oiled 1/2 cup measure cup, or shaped mold...

Possibilities are endless

Did you create something beautiful with garnishes? Send me a copy and I might publish it here!

slice of lemon picture

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Have a great day!

Wolf howling picture