2 Vegan Wolf Photography

Favorite Bird Photography

Favorite Alaska bird Photographs, Arctic Tern, swimming Eagle, Tufted Puffins, Parasitic Jaeger, Marbled murrelot, Sand hill cranes, Surf Scoters, cormorants, Kittiwakes, Eagle on Glacier, etc...

Contact Pam for all copy/use requests

Eagle sitting at very top of pine tree with long branch in fog Sandhill cranes in formation in the blue sky of alaska, birds 100s of birds in sky alaska bird marbled murrelet alaska puffins kissing alaska murrelet alaska birds surf scoters with mountains in back bald eagle sitting on a glacier alaska birds on island with mountain in back alaska raven in branch with blue sky
alaska birds parasitic jager chasing gull Bald eagle on an iceberg in alaska alaska bald eagle on iceberg by glacier Terns flying with their mouths open alaska kittiwakes rookery lots of birds alaska bird with wing covering its face arctic tern glowing backlight from sun baby alaska bird blends in with background lots of alaska terns on rock wall rookery
alaska arctic tern flying close and glowing with backlight close up of alaska bald eagle swimming Gulls and Kittiwakes on iceberg by glacier birds at dusk glowing from light greater yellow legs standing in water alaska bird 3 alaska tufted puffin swimming alaska bird kittiwake with something in mouth swimming low over the water  several cormorants on rock island in alaska two tufted puffins flapping their wings huge flock of surf scoters in the water near a rock wall alaska spruce grouse showing its cheek feathers alaska eagle by glacier

VEGAN WOLF favorite Alaska Bird Photography

Arctic Tern, swimming Eagle, Tufted Puffins, Parasitic Jaeger, Marbled murrelot, Sand hill cranes, Surf Scoters, cormorants, Kittiwakes, Eagle on iceberg, eagle on glacier, etc...