Vegan Wolf


Favorite Humpback Whale breaching, feeding, finning, etc... a whale foot print!

Contact Pam for all copy/use requests

humpback whales breaching humpback whales breaching humpback whales spouting near kayaks in alaska humpback whales and kayaks in alaska humpback whales breaching humpback whale breath by kayakers humpback whales breaching humpback whale spy hopping close by humpback whale rolling to look at us humpback whale breaches out of the water left

Some of my favorite humpback whale images in Alaska. Breaching, spouting, breathing, rolling, finning...

humpback whales in alaska humpback whales breaching humpback whales fin close to kayaks humpback whales in alaska humpback whale footprint humpback whale and kayaker close sparkle water humpback whales in alaska humpback whales in alaska humpback whales and kayaks in alaska humpback whale spyhopping with grey water and land in the distance
humpback whale breaching near kayak humpback whale mouth open see baleen and tongue humpback whales bbble netting with big splash humpback whales breaching straight up humpback whales in alaska humpback whales in alaska humpback whales in alaska humpback whale backs near two kayaks in alaska humpback whales in alaska humpback whale breaching straight up like a rocket humpback whale breaching straight left out of the water like a torpedo

VEGAN WOLF Photography

Megaptera, Humpback Whale breaching, spy hopping, lunge feeding, bubblenet feeding, finning, a whale footprint! Kayaking with whales, Photographs