Vegan Gifts from the VEGAN kitchen

Recipes for Vegans, vegetarians, or anyone who appreciates good food!

More Gift ideas coming soon! I just started this page!

VEGAN Gifts from the VEGAN kitchen

"Homemade Vegan,Cholesterol Free, Strict vegetarian gifts from your kitchen recipes. "
vegan presents


Gifts from the VEGAN kitchen:

  • Almost anything can be made into a gift! Just add a bow or wrap it, and add a gift tag.
  • But try to make it look special! Something just for them!
  • Avoid plastics and throw away wrap. Everything one does has an effect on the planet and those on it, and plastic is one of the worst!
  • For finishing touches, think reusable! Make it part of the gift. You can wrap it in fabric, or a shirt, a dish towel, or just a pretty ribbon or flower.
  • Hang on to peanut butter jars, or other containers and items that could become a gift holder. Try to always buy with reuse in mind!
  • You can also check the resale stores for plates and glasses, baskets, or other items to use as gift holders. Boxes, tins, glass jars, a planter, a vase, a shoe. Be creative! Sometimes the wrapping is more fun than the gift!
  • Don't forget to include any special instructions with the gift. Does it need a recipe, or "how to". If it's perishable put a "best used by" date.
  • Be mindful of travel too! Are the cookies going to bounce around and break? Or is it glass? Or a liquid that might leak? Pack it smart. Make sure it is sturdy and not something the receiver has to worry about breaking or spilling.
vegan dried bean soup gift

Gifts from the VEGAN kitchen:

homemade play dough
homemade vegan gifts

IDEAS for more homemade vegan gifts

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Have a great day!

Wolf howling picture

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handmade gifts in basket spiced peanuts gourmet hot chocolate and chocolate bar Jars of homemade marmalade